Residential use. Designed to mueasure the drinking water for residential unit or office-industrial complex. It is a radio frequency card prepayment water made from top quality composites materials resistant to corrosion and sediment condensation, guaranteeing working temperature up to 50°C for cold water.
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MVDRFS 15-25 type mulei jet dry type prepayment water meters are designed to measure the volume of cold water at a pressure to 16 bars in the households or office-industrial complex. Installation should be done in a horizontal position with counter upwards (H) or vertical position.

  • One meter-one card.
  • Prepaid function, radio frequency (RF) card prepaid recharge before consume water.
  • Mechanical display and high definition liquid crystal display.
  • The data can be saved when the power off.
  • Internal clock circuit switches the valve regularly.
  • Preventing magnetic interference technology, and resistant to external magnetic interference.
  • Low credit warning by closing the valve and the valve can be opened by swipe the RF user card.
  • The internal electronic valve closes when no balance, and will open after swiped by re-debited card.
  • The lithium batteries work up to six years due to low power consumption of the meter, and it is convenient to replace.
  • Single tariff (single price) and multi tariff (multi price) are available.
  • Battery life: >6 years. 


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